Receiving Well
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Due to security risks, additional information is restricted. Please contact us with any questions.
A gathering of creatives currently serving on mission around the globe.
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For security reasons, additional information restricted. Please contact us with any questions.
We will spend a week in S.E. Asia with missionaries currently serving there full time. We will lead the worship as well as spend time praying together, hearing from God's Word, and encouraging on another.
More funding is needed for this event. You can help here.
Youth Evangelism and Discipleship conference in Hong Kong. We will be leading worship for this event, where churches from all over Hong Kong come together to share the gospel, respond to the gospel, and be better equipped to saturate Hong Kong with the gospel.
More funding is still needed for this event. You can help here.
We will spend a weekend in Orlando, FL leading worship for missionaries that are about to be sent out to the mission field. This time will be spent in worship, Bible study and community.
More funding is needed for this event. You can help here.