Our purpose is to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our desire is that all would "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). With an emphasis on missionary care, our primary avenues in accomplishing our mission are worship, missions, and local leader development in unreached and under resourced parts of the world. Our aim to stand in the gap in not only eliminating hurdles for ministry in global and cross cultural contexts, but linking arms with missionaries in their unique environments, pairing our unique abilities and giftings with theirs and aid in seeing the gospel spread, flourish and thrive in their local context, and keep the sent, sent.
We believe worship is inseparable from missions. In fact, missions is an act of worship. Worship is the ultimate goal of the Church. It is proper worship that fuels missionary outreach. We love John Piper's word in his book Let The Nations Be Glad!-
“Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. When this age is over, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, missions will be no more.”
The ultimate goal for the church is worship, and the ultimate goal of worship is the glory of God, and the gospel is at the center of God's glory. That the Lamb of God, God's only son, would come to die to redeem sinners. Missions is a by-product of worship. When we worship, we are beholding the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. When we go on mission, it is because so much of the world needs to first hear the gospel, to know Jesus, and to ultimately behold Him. We believe worship is a response to who God is and what He has done with the entirety of our lives. Missions is simply one way we respond to God in worship.
One of our goals in the future in combining worship and missions is through gospel centered ethnomusicology. Ethnomusicology is the study of music from the cultural and social aspects of the people who make it. It is teaching people to worship through song, not by using our songs, cultural norms and church practices, but developing it within their culture, language, art and music.
One of our main partners in the area of worship is the Craig Rigney Band. We often partner with CRB to accomplish all of the above, by helping send them to lead worship at gospel centered and evangelical events all around the country and the world, and work to dismantle financial and logistical obstacles when needed, as much as we're able. Craig's ministry exists to point people to Jesus through gospel centered music, lyric, and the truth of scripture. His desire is to point to Jesus, just as John the Baptist did in John 1:29. Learn more about the Craig Rigney Band here.
The heart of missions is evangelism. We believe Jesus' command in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) is not simply to go, but to make disciples- people who whole heartedly follow Christ with the entirety of their lives. The first step in this is for people to simply hear the gospel- the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done- and that they would behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. What greater news exists?
We accomplish this through gospel centered events and conferences at home and around the world, as well as through growing purposeful relationships with ministry and lay leaders currently laboring for spread of the gospel, with a major emphasis on missionary care. We want to do our part in keeping the sent, sent. Our aim is to link arms with those serving on the field and remove any barriers for them having all the support, care and encouragment they need right where they are, without the stress inconvenience of having to travel elsewhere.
We have many ministry partners around the globe including the International Mission Board, Pioneers International, SIM, Pivot, and a number of missionaries, independent groups and local churches in different places of the world. We've partnered with local churches, missionaries and missions organizations in the UK, Hong Kong, and all over S.E. Asia, as well as all over the U.S. with hopes of more growth and partnerships being developed in the future.
One of the greatest needs in seeing the gospel reach the unreached, and being sustained and multiplied, is raising up local leaders to engage those in their context and proximity in ways only they can. The work of missionaries doesn’t end with evangelism, but discipleship that leads to more reproduction of disciples in that local context. Church planters need church leaders and pastors to continue the mission of seeing the gospel spread, of making disciples that serve in their unique giftedness and talents, including local gatherings of believers, many that exist in unreached and under resourced parts of the world. Our desire is to serve these local leaders in the development of their leadership, shepherding/pastoring, unique skills and talents, and spiritual giftedness to serve and lead within their local context as effectively as possible. While we may be initiating these relationships, it is easily a two way street and we end up poured into and taught even more from these local believers!
Who we are
Statement Of Faith
We believe Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. He is co-equal with God the Father, was born of a virgin, and lived in human form among men to bring us grace and truth. He was crucified, physically rose from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of God until His return.
We believe there is one true God in three distinct persons: Father, Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Lord, a distinct person, and is co-equal with God and Christ. The Spirit convicts us of sin, awakens our hearts to hear and see spiritual truths, draws us to Christ and magnifies Christ, sanctifies us, and enables us with gifts to serve Christ and His Church. Believers are baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ the moment they receive Christ and that we experience the fullness of the Spirit's ministry as we turn from sin and live in obedience to God's word under the Spirit's power and guidance.
We believe salvation is by grace through faith. It is the free gift of God and has nothing to do with our works. The sole condition for receiving eternal life is believing (trusting) in the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, who died a substitutionary death on the cross for man's sin and rose from the dead. His perfect, sinless life and death is the atonement for our sin. Those that have received the free gift of salvation we are permanently and forever saved, have eternal life, and will not be condemned.
We believe the Scriptures are true, authoritative and sufficient. Human authors, under the supernatural inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote the Bible. It is the supreme and absolute source of God's truth, transcendent values, and His principles for Christian living.
We believe baptism is an outward profession of inward faith. It does not save us, but is an act of obedience in following Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Heaven and Hell are real places of eternal existence. I believe that all people are eternal beings who either spend eternity in God's presence, enjoying and delighting in him as a result of their faith in Christ, or separated from God, suffering the due penalty for their sin, because of their rejection of God's gracious provision for their sin in the person of Christ.