
Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.

Craig and Stephanie in Asia


 If you know us, you know that we as a couple are passionate about both worship and missions. After all, one of us is a worship pastor and the other was born and raised on the mission field, and both of these things definitely influenced us in making the decision to do life and ministry together as long as we’re on this earth. We’ve often prayed for and pursued ministry opportunities where we could serve together to the best of our passions, gifts and abilities. Our goal in this life as a  family is to serve the Lord in all that we do, to actively be a part of the Great Commission, and to see others come to know, follow and treasure Jesus, and we want to warmly invite you to be a part of that with us!


We recently were asked to be a part of something that we believe is an answer to prayer for us as we’ve been seeking ways to serve together within our passions, gifts and calling. In January of next year, we will be heading to Asia to serve missionaries from all over S.E Asia that serve with Pioneers International, a missions organization that sends people out into the world for the sake of the gospel. We will be a part of their annual conference where they come together to worship, pray, hear from God’s Word, and simply rest and be in community with other team members and believers laboring on the mission field throughout the year. We will be leading worship for our daily gatherings, but the majority  of our time and focus will be praying for, encouraging, and serving these missionaries as best we can.

Since we will be on that side of the world, we were also asked to lead the worship for a city wide youth evangelism and discipleship conference in Hong Kong, led by Island Evangelical Community Church, who we have worked with in many capacities in the past, and a place we love that’s doing great things for the Kingdom in Hong Kong. This conference will bring the youth together from all over the city, regardless of their church home, for the sake of hearing and responding to the gospel, and equipping these students to saturate the city of Hong Kong with the gospel. We will also be leading worship at their Sunday morning gathering at the church. We could not be more excited and thankful to add this to our itinerary!

Of course, these opportunities come with many obstacles and challenges, but we firmly believe these opportunities were brought to us for a reason, and are believing in the Lord’s provision, protection, and faithfulness. Here’s how you can be a part of this and support us as we work to walk in obedience in what the Lord has placed in front of us:


We know and confess that we need the Lord to go before us, and that we are not capable of anything good on our own. Pray that in the coming days we would clearly hear the voice of God, for wisdom, discernment, provision, and energy as we work to accomplish what is set before us.

Pray also for protection, both physical and especially spiritual. We firmly believe in the words written by Paul in Ephesians 6:12, that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Pray not only for us, but for the missionaries we will be with. Most of our prayer time is spent in battle against the enemy in opposition to these servants, many of whom are dealing with heavy, real resistance.


Obviously, a trip like this does not come without costs. Everyone involved in the Pioneers International organization raises their own financial support in order to continue serving, . They also cover their own cost for the conference, which includes flights, food, and lodging. In their generosity, they also chip in together to cover our rooms while we are with them. We will be responsible for our flights, meals and transportation while we are there. We both also will not receive any income while we are away, so the financial burden is quite daunting.

Our goal is to raise the cost of our airfare and transportation, which will include 10 flights! The estimated cost for that alone is $5500. 

If you choose to support us financially, we will be taking financial donations through One29 Ministries. You can give online  by clicking the "donate" button below. One 29’s mission is for the world to “behold the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29) through gospel centered worship, mission, and justice. One29 is an ongoing mission, and you may also choose to continually support One29’s efforts by committing to monthly giving. 

We cannot thank you all enough for you generous and faithful support! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

For His glory and renown, 

Craig and Stephanie Rigney
