The Rigney’s upcoming trip
Spain // Thailand // Hong Kong
One29 Ministries is the culmination of years of planning, dreaming, and following the Lord’s calling for us to go, and trust Him to do something with our lives that only He can do. Before we were married or even dating, God placed a desire for global missions in each of us, and over that last 5 or so years, that desire has continued to grow and develop and is now becoming a much larger part of our lives, ministry, and, with your involvement, our community.
“Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. When this age is over, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, missions will be no more.”
-John Piper
One29 Ministries was born a year ago before our last trip overseas. The name comes from John 1:29 where John the Baptist declares, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” This is our mission and vision as a worship leaders on and off of a stage, as missionaries on the field, and simply as followers of Jesus. We want our lives to be like John the Baptist’s, constantly pointing people to who Christ is and what He’s done for us, so that the world would know, behold, and worship Him. This is the heartbeat and mission of One29 Ministries: to reach the world with the gospel of Christ through worship, missions, and justice.
Over this last year, we have spent a lot of time praying, wrestling and seeking out what the future of One29 Ministries is, as well as the future of our family. Late in the summer, we knew the Lord was leading us to take a giant leap and make the vision of One29 Ministries a major part of our lives. Through some relationships with our ministry partners overseas, we were connected with A.C.T. International. A.C.T. International “exists to mobilize and equip artistic and innovative ministries and missionaries for Christian work around the world.” Over the last two months, Stephanie and I have been working through the process of partnering with A.C.T., and are excited to announce that we are now both staff members of A.C.T. International as the Department Directors of One29 Ministries! What this means is, One29 Ministries is now a ministry department of A.C.T. International. A.C.T. provides One29 Ministries with structural and administrative staff support, financial and spiritual accountability and integrity, training and care, and gives One29 Ministries full 501(c)(3) non-profit status. As the directors of One29 Ministries under A.C.T., we maintain full control over the vision and direction of One29 Ministries, along with our Ministry Accountability Team (MAT). Through A.C.T., we are now in a position to launch One29 Ministries to the next level in making an eternal impact for the Kingdom around the world.
“I will go down into the pit, if you will hold the ropes.”
- Willam Carey
This is where you come in. Over the last month alone, we have already been given multiple opportunities to serve through One29. On December 26th, we will be leaving for Spain to partner with IMB to lead worship, teach, and lead groups for their retreat with missionaries from all over Europe. Directly from there, we will head to Thailand to partner in the same capacity with Pioneers International to be a part of three different conferences for missionaries from all over Asia. We are unsure of the date we will return home, as there are several more needs while in Asia that we could potentially meet, pending funding, but we hope to meet as many needs as possible. Both the IMB and Pioneers, as well as local churches and organizations we have worked with in the past, are expressing needs for the efforts on One29 Ministries throughout the year.
With the needs and opportunities already in front of us that we have committed to, we are in urgent need of funding to keep up with the what the Lord has already placed before us, and to continue our efforts as well as grow into future ministry. We want to invite you to invest in the Kingdom of God and the Great Commission as we work to have an impact for Christ around the globe. We want to build a community of monthly supporters to join our team and “hold our ropes.” Will you partner with us and invest in what the Lord is doing?
You can make a one time donation or become a part of our long term support team through monthly giving by clicking the button below.
One29 Ministries is a 510(c)(3) non-profit organization through A.C.T. Intl. All donations are tax deductible.
Physical checks payable to “One29 Ministries/A.C.T. Intl” may be mailed to PO Box 1649, Brentwood, TN 37024
Pray for those currently serving and laboring in S.E. Asia, as the government has begun cracking down on home churches and Christians more than usual in the last months as it’s affecting multiple missions organizations and missionaries, preventing some from sending missionaries and asking those currently there to return home for safety.
Pray for safety and security. Many of our close friends have been detained, kicked out or forced to leave where they were serving. Pray also for our gatherings, as there are usually government spies in attendance to further rid their country of missionaries and prevent the spread of the gospel. Pray that our times together would be safe and secure, and we would be protected from the enemy.
Pray for encouragement for our friends who have been forced out of the area they were serving, some for 30 years, other’s who left everything and had just gotten to the field. Pray for their resilience and for new opportunities to continue their work, and for the relationships they have had to leave behind.
Pray for those living in S.E. Asia, and all around the world, who desperately need to hear the gospel of Christ.
Pray for provision for us and One29 Ministries so that we can continue to battle along side our brothers and sisters overseas, and not only continue our efforts but expand our efforts and ministry in the future.
Pray for us and our MAT team as we lead, direct and continue to dream and expand the vision of One29 Ministries.
Pray for continued opportunities to serve.